General Jokes

Two men where standing in front of an atm machine with infront of the other. Akpos: [types in his atm code and withdraws his money...

One day Akpos was walking in the street? He met Edet who asked him what had happened to his ears as both were covered with bandages.He said "I was ironing my clothes when the...

After a ghastly motor accident, the police try to get in touch with the relatives of the victims...Police: Sir we think your wife just had an accident, we need you to come to the...

Akpos was writing something very slowly. A friend asked "why are you writing so slowly?"Akpos: I'm writing to my six year old son, he can't read very fast.

Akpos: Why are all these people running? Man: This is a race, the winner will get the cup. Akpos: if only the winner will get the cup, why are others running?

Akpos and Ugo were in a super market together and while they were shopping Ugo stole 3 bars of chocolate. When they got outside he showed Akpos and told "I am the greatest". Akpos...

Police: Mr Apkos, where do u Live?Akpos: with my mom.Police: where does ur mom live?Akpos: with my Dad.Police: [Getting Impatient] where does ur dad live?Akpos: with me and my mom...

Akpos was drunk then a police officer arrest himOFFICER: How high are you?AKPOS: It is not "How hi are you?", it's "Hi, How are you?".

OCHUKO: Akpos, why do u keep saying 'Good Morning Sir' to the mirror?AKPOS: Last night, Ebube told me to respect myself.

Akpos asked Chichi in a library; Do you mind if I sit beside you?" Chichi answered with a loud voice; "I DONT WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!!!All the students in the library...
